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Scouting Videos

Updated: Feb 27

Here are videos from Scouting over the past few years.

Troop 850 Recruitment Video (2004)

Scouting’s Sunrise (2007)


On 1 August 2007 a Kudu horn was blown across each available time zone worldwide at the local hour of 08:00 am – 100 years from the first scout camp out begun by Robert Baden Powell.

This event was called Scouting’s Sunrise.  Hundreds of encampments worldwide celebrated the dawn of Scouting’s second century – including our little camp at Mineral Wells park in Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA.

Boy and Girl Scouts worldwide participated in the tens of thousands – and our local scouts and leaders joined too.

I gathered up images taken worldwide that day and made this video.

 SR846 Participant Video  (2007)

SR846 Oct 7 2007 004

Girl Scout Troops 904 and 908 Year in Review (2008)

Flag Ceremony January 30 2008 006

Jamboree on the Air 2011

NewsOK report on our Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) contact with astronaut Mike Fossum in Orbit on ISS.

Little Missouri Trail (September, 2004)

Venturing Crew and Scouts (Music slideshow version)

Pack 850 Base Camp Adventure video log

Video log (53:00)

Jamboree on the Air (2015) Gilwell Park, United Kingdom

24th World Scout Jamboree

Life on Mars

Some of the Nations at the 24th World Scout Jamboree

Its in Every One of Us World Scout Jamboree

Liftoff promo towards the 24th World Scout Jamboree

Camp locations education towards the 24th World Scout Jamboree

2005 National Scout Jamboree DVD production for my contingent Scout troop from the Last Frontier Council

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